
Days of Service

We provide pickup service Monday through Friday

Deliveries are made Monday through Friday, with Saturday Delivery as requested. Pickup service is not available on Saturday. GLS does not provide pickup or delivery service on Sunday

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Scheduled Pickup Service

Say goodbye to missed deadlines and hello to efficient shipping with our scheduled pickup service. With daily pickups, reliable service, and no scheduling hassle, our service is the perfect solution for businesses that want to streamline their shipping process. Don’t settle for anything less than the best.  lorem quis.

On-Call Service

If you don’t require daily pickup service or your pickup times are unpredictable, you can opt for On-Call Pickup Service and request a pickup from your office on an as-needed basis. On-Call Pickup Service requires a minimum four-hour window for pickup in most areas. For a per pickup fee, On-Call customers may schedule pickups online or by contacting the Customer Service Center. 

  • Future Date On-Call – For a reduced fee, schedule one to six days prior to the date the pickup is needed.
  • Same Day On-Call – Schedule same day the pickup is needed. 

When Regular Shipping Just Won't Cut it, We've Got You Covered

Don’t let big shipping needs weigh you down, let us handle it. Our team of experts is ready to find a solution tailored to your needs.

Whale housing

Are you looking for a warehousing service that you can trust? You can look no further than GLS. With their top-notch facilities and commitment to safety, you can be confident that your goods will be stored securely and protected from harm. Whether you’re storing perishable items or sensitive materials, their team of experts will work with you to find the best solution for your unique needs. Don’t take chances with your valuable items. Choose GLS and experience peace of mind.. lorem quis.

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